Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life Lesson:Never Put Anything Smaller Than Your Elbow in Your Ear

Dedicated (that's right, this blog deserves a dedication) to all of those people over the past almost 5 years who have told me "I always wanted twins!"

As you can imagine, this one is a doosey. These things always seem to happen when I'm all alone. Doug was on his way home from his Boundary Waters trip and I was batheing the girls in the tub. I never heard any altercations, but it may have been as simple as "the look." All of a sudden, Grace was holding her ear and saying, "She poked me in the ear with that." "That" was the pointy end of a fingernail clipper. Seriously! I thought I could just watch and see what happened, but a little while later, Grace matter-of-factly said, "Mom, I know why my ear hurts, it's because it's bleeding." WHHHHHAT?!? I guess it's off to urgent care before they close. Did I mention Doug was gone?!? Thankfully we have grandparents around the corner. On my way to the clinic I'm thinking, "How in the world will I explain this one?" I always feel like they think I'm making these things up. Thankfully we had the same doctor I had this winter and during that visit he informed me he had 5 children. Surely he would understand! Just as I thought, he didn't even bat an eyelash at my story. Diagnosis: Perforated ear drum. (Boy, does that girl have aim!) There will likely be no long-term problems, but hopefully there will be some long-term life lessons learned.


Sarah said...

anna!!!!!! you are on blogspot!!!

i read your blog, and i can't believe the adventures you get to have! :) oh my word! (btw...i'm totally praying!)

how are you?

Heidi said...

Your girls sound like real characters! I'm glad that all is well and that her ear will be fine.

They are so beautiful!!!