Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Lost Sheep Returned
Last night while putting Grace to bed, she mentioned that I never let her pray and I was totally confused by what she saying. This is when having twins comes in handy. Her sister played interpreter and told me that she meant she wanted to pray the ABC prayer-Admit, Believe, and Confess. I told her that sounded great and I would be happy to do it with her that night. She said she would rather wait for the next night. So tonight, after we returned from Sparks, we sat down with her, read Scripture, and she prayed a prayer of Salvation. So, the lost sheep truly came home. Praise the Lord! What a blessing to be a part of the best day of her life. On a side note, as we searched Scripture together, it was so amazing to realize she had put most of the verses we looked up to memory. AMAZING!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Our Family Is Growing
Sweet girl, we are so thrilled about your soon arrival. You are very active and letting me know you are present often. Your sisters can't wait to meet you, especially Emily and Grace, and neither can Daddy and I. We love you already and pray for you often. Now, if we could only come up with your name.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Guests for Dinner
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Happy Birthday Elise!
You have changed so much in this first year. Some of the things you are up to are:
*You are crawling like crazy and walking along furniture (You pulled up at around 9 months and I thought for sure you would be my earliest walker, but you have your own timeline and that's just fine by me.)
*You love to play the "Uh-Oh Game". (Today as I was enjoying some alone time with you at Target, you were lobbing everything out of the stroller. Too cute, but also a little difficult to get as much shopping done.)
*You have a good set of lungs and aren't afraid to let me know when one of your sisters are really bugging/loving you.
*You have 4 darling teeth, which just gives you the cutest smile.
*You have a beauty queen wave, you know, the side to side motion, but not quite as dainty.
*You are definitely a mommy's girl. (Sorry daddy, but I think you already knew that.)
*You only take one nap a day and that is only for a little over 2 hours.
*You love music and have recently learned how to bop while holding on to something.
*You say mama, dada, and uh-oh.
*Generally speaking, you seem to have a somewhat quiet personality. You look like you're taking it all in.
*You are definitely curious. You love to open cupboards and get into things, which helps keep me on my toes.
*Additionally, you love to unroll toilet paper and on occasion, chew on a wad.
*You're a pretty picky eater. You still just primarily want your mommy (7 times a day..I know, I know).
*You love your time in the tub and usually have quite a lot to say about it when it's time to get out.
*You hate having your diaper changed, because you detest being tied down.
We love you and can't wait to see all that the Lord has planned for your life.
Jeremiah 29:11-14
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord...
While I know the Lord has great plans for you, I pray that you will seek Him with all of your heart. It's more than just the great things He has for you, but that you desire Him. May this be one of your life verses sweet girl. I love you more than you'll ever know!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
You Know You're a Fourth Child When...
1. While in labor, your mom manages to pose for one last picture before dropping your sisters off at preschool on the way to the hospital. Also, she manages to deliver you during her regularly scheduled appointment time with her doctor, which is right around the time your sisters completed their 2 hour day at preschool.
2. Your 2 1/2 year old sister is allowed to joyfully man-handle you.
3. At 2 months old, your parents deck you out completely in a life jack and then proceed to take you on a 6-person canoe ride with your 3 sisters in tow.
4. You're fed ice cream for the first time at around 5 months old, mint chocolate chip no less, and totally love it!
5. You are dropped on your head, accidentally, by one of your parents and get a bucket-handle skull fracture. The way you really know you're a fourth child is your parents think to bring the camera to the emergency room in order to snap pictures of you looking soooo cute in your first, and hopefully last, purple hospital gown...and your mom has no problem sporting a big grin.
6. On your vacation to Florida, your parents let you go swimming in the pool when the temperature is just above 70 degrees or maybe you're just a true Minnesotan.
7. On another vacation to Arizona at 11 months old, you are left to fend for yourself in the swimming pool. Oh come on, it's just the kiddie pool!
8. You are left out of important family pictures, because you are napping (i.e. your own family's Easter picture and the girl cousin photo shoot). However, they do manage to get one last family picture that does include you...whew!
9. In the span of a couple weeks, you manage to get a bruised cheek, a fat lip, and a bruised forehead...oh the joys of mobililty!
10. Your sisters are allowed to dress you up however they like. This time it included complete bike safety gear for a 4 year old. Do you see the bike in the background? At 11 months old, a fourth child might just be ready to take it out for a spin.
11. Your parents buy you a baby swing that only has enough rope to hang approximately 5 feet off the ground and then decide it's still suitable to let you swing in it.
12. Your parents adore you so much, they are even crazy enough to think it might be fun to have just one more baby!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Not so long ago I was planning on doing a post titled "E.R. Series Finale...Hopefully", but as with a lot of things, I never got around to it. Since that time, I've had a few more experiences and decided not to use that title this time around.
We were in AZ visiting my parents during Emily and Grace's spring break. We had a lovely time of swimming, going to Wildlife World, going to Build-A-Bear and just generally relaxing. It was our last day and we decided to spend a little more time at the pool. I headed back early with Elise and the others followed shortly thereafter. On the way in the house Lydia began proclaiming, "I have to go pee." My usual reply is, "Well, then get going." However, by the looks of the pee dripping down her leg as she ran on the carpet to the bathroom, she should have said, "I'm going pee". I was immediately frustrated and "encouraged" her to move faster. She made it to the bathroom, which is tile, and slipped on the wet floor. No big deal, right?!? Not for the Lydster! She split her chin open and Doug immediately knew it would require stitches. So...there went the rest of his night spent in the E.R. About 5 hours later they finally returned home with 6 stitches.
One of the sweet things about all of this was that while Doug and Lydia were gone Emily and Grace became quite concerned (not always this way) about their beloved sister. They watched a movie with Grammy about a little boy whose sister died and I think this only added to their emotions. They began asking me several times about when she would get back. In fact, Grace came to me nearly in tears and said, "Do you think anything else happened to her?" Later, I found Emily gazing at a picture of Lydia in the hall wishing for her safe return. Lest anyone get too choked up, their tone changed dramatically the next day.
When the girls woke up the next day they had plenty of "encouraging" words for their Lydia.
Some of Emily's words:
Why couldn't they use white or peach thread?(You know, instead of the normal black stitching that is always used)
It looks like she has thorns on her chin.
I'm not used to her with those stitches.
Some of Grace's words:
It looked better with a band aide on.
I can't possibly live life with a sister who looks like she has a beard. (Someone needs a reminder that beauty is fleeting.)
Thankfully, Lydia is much less concerned with her looks and did quite well with the whole ordeal. Let's hope this is our last tour of new emergency rooms!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Emily - I don't want to wear that.
Me - Why?
Emily - Because I'm afraid the kids will laugh at me.
Me - Why would they laugh at you?
Emily - Because it's not at the height of fashion.
Seriously?!? Doesn't she know she wasn't born into a family that's at the "height of fashion"? Too cute! I'm sure this is just the beginning, with having four girls in the house.