Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Terrible, Awful, Almost No Good Day!

It's 12:45p.m. and my day has already been rather full.

I woke up at the crack of dawn (actually...dawn hadn't even begun to crack because the weather was so dreary) at 6:30a.m. so that I could get up and ready before my children were stirring. This almost never works and today was no exception. I barely got out the door to go take my bath in the basement (so as not to disturb my wee ones) when what to my wondering eyes should appear...Pooh bear and the Lydster (my two tiny reindeer). Can someone please tell me why it is these people need soooooo little sleep. OK, OK...I know this is starting out dull, but stick with me people (there might be 1 or 2 of you) this is going to get interesting (and long to boot).

Sorry for the long pause. I then continued to scurry around trying to get everyone off to their designated locations (a.k.a. Kindergarten for E. & G. and Mom's Day Away(MDA) for Lydster). We got to Kindergarten and by then it was pouring rain. Imagine running with three children in the pouring rain and carrying one, not so light, baby. Oh well, we made and back home for Lydia, Elise, and I.

When I arrived home, I opened the door only to find Elise covered in puke (some people might say spit up, but when your child and car seat are soaked and its running down the door of your vehicle, it's PUKE!). I let Lydia in the house and tried to decide what to do about Elise, because it was around 9:00am and Lydia had to be at MDA at 9:30am. While I got Elise out of the truck, Lydia made herself BUSY in the house. When I didn't see her I began calling for her and she suddenly appeared in a pair of shorts. For those of you who don't know, today's high was around 52 degrees. I might be an absent minded mother, but I didn't put her in shorts today. When I questioned her about the shorts, she informed me she went pee in her pants. SERIOUSLY?!? She went pee on the downstairs bathroom floor and went upstairs to change her clothes. Which, BTW, were soaked all the way down to her socks. ARGH!!!

I got her dressed and off to MDA we went. She was feeling extremely reluctant about being left today and was shedding a few tears before I left, but I had to go, because, as you may recall, Elise was covered in puke. I just got her bathed and stripped her carseat when I received a call from Teacher Paige at MDA. She informed me that Lydia wouldn't stop crying and was saying her tummy hurt, so off again to the church to get her. When I got there, she miraculously recovered;).

We then went home and I fed her lunch. Because her teacher was so concerned about her being sick, I decided to take her temp. Of course, it was normal. When I was doing this, Lydia said, "Why are you doing that mom?" I explained to her that Teacher Paige thought she might be sick and her reply was, "I'm not sick mom." No kidding! The only sickness she had was homesickness.

Lydia and I finished our lunch (I never had a chance to eat breakfast and decided to just forget about it and eat lunch) while Elise laid on the rug next to us. I got Lydia out of her chair and she metioned she had to go potty. I went to check on her in the bathroom and she was completely soaked in pee AGAIN. Down to her socks, people! I told her that was it. She was going down for her nap. After I took her upstairs, I came back down to check on Elise and let me tell you, there was an odor in the air. I starting praying, but once again God's answer was different that what I hoped for. She had pooped through her clothes. Off for another bath and time to clean the rug she was on.

So, if you lost count:
Lydia soaked in pee 2 times
Elise bathed 2 times
All before 1pm.

So, one might ask, "Why on earth would I ever want to get up and do this all over again tomorrow (a valid question I might add)?"

P.S. This might also explain my somewhat infrequent posts to my blog, because days like this aren't all that rare.


Nikki said...

Ah! Cliffhangers. Love em?

Heidi said...

I am totally hooked. Don't keep us waiting too long!!